Did you know that Money Mindset is the missing link in most Financial and Business Education?
Money mindset is the link that truly helps people break through their money wall and transform their financial and business success. For over 5 years, I have coached business women and men on transforming their money mindsets so that they can achieve financial freedom and their results have been life changing.
This is why I am so passionate about teaching Money Mindset Mastery to as many people as possible.
Recently, I was invited to India to speak at the Global Women’s Economic Forum because of my track record for consistently mentoring women to live authentically, create work/life balance, get out of debt and build 6 to 7 figure businesses.
For a moment, think about you earning a 6 or 7 figure income. What happens for you?
Just notice. Does making a 6 or 7 figure income get you excited or do you resist the idea?
Honestly, what do you say to yourself when you think about it? Let’s get honest.
Do you say to yourself, “Yeah right, Becky, you’ve got the wrong girl, that’s not me” or “Who me, making that kind of money!” or “I could never imagine making that kind of money”?
Do you tell yourself the money isn’t important? Do you judge others who seem to value making more money than you do?
I ask these questions, because your attitude towards money secretly determines the success of your business and your financial well-being. It predicts with astonishing accuracy whether you actually step up and do your life’s work in a huge, meaningful and impactful way…or whether you stay stuck, stressed out, helping small numbers of people and not fully fulfilling your potential.
Just to be clear, I am not suggesting that you need to be “all about the money” in order to be successful.
Actually, quite the opposite is true.
However, you DO need to be “all about breaking through your MONEY WALL!” Your Money Wall is the spiritual, mental, emotional and belief barrier every entrepreneur runs into as they step powerfully into growing their business.
It’s the wall you hit every time you decide to move forward and take action toward living your dream. It is the wall you hit when you begin to shift and treat your business like a business and not a hobby.
Every time you take action to be your best, authentic and successful self, all of your old ways of thinking, believing and acting show up and fight to keep you playing small. To keep you in doubt, fear and uncertainty.
Since I am unapologetically passionate about helping you break through and break free of your money wall, I put together this two-hour virtual workshop for you, your colleagues and the people you love and that you want to see succeed.
During this workshop, I will walk you through a powerful exercise to learn about your money wall. And you will get a first-hand glimpse of some of the beliefs, values and mindsets about money necessary to help you to break through your MONEY WALL. In so doing, you can begin your journey toward financial freedom and empowerment.
This Money Mindset Mastery program powerfully shifts the trajectory of my clients’ businesses and puts them on a pathway toward financial success.
If you are sick and tired of hitting your Money Wall and want to:
- Break through your specific money blocks holding you back.
- Create an unshakeable ‘Platinum State of Mind’ so you can confidently charge higher fees.
- Craft a new, empowering money story so you can powerfully claim your worth.
- Value your work and your time (even if you offer ‘softer services’) and finally let go of undercharging and over-delivering.
- Step into a personalized and empowered success mindset — shifting your beliefs and actions in the process — so you quickly begin creating new and exciting results.
This virtual workshop is for you and is the first step in changing your financial reality. The information and insights gleaned from the workshop are priceless; yet, I’ve made it accessible to you at an introductory investment of only $69. The next time I offer this workshop the investment will be $179.
I invite you to join me in becoming financially free. And, so together we can change our families’ heritage and impact our communities locally and globally, please invite a friend and share this with others.
The virtual workshop will be on Wednesday, September 6 from 1 pm to 3 pm Central. Handouts and the call-in number will be emailed to you on September 5.
Update: The workshop is closed.