I recently heard an interview with John Assaraf, self-made millionaire and author when he shared this powerful question asked of him by his mentor. “John, are you interested in achieving your goals or are you committed to achieving them?”
This is a powerful question, because if you are just interested in your goal, you will only do what is comfortable and convenient to make your goal a reality. You are easily swayed to get off track and lose focus. However, if you are committed to your goal, you will do whatever it takes to get it done. You are a stand for that which you want and are willing to be uncomfortable to move forward.
Reflecting on this question, I see where I have set many goals, when I was just interested and the result was failure most every time. However, the ones that I was committed to, no matter what, always exceeded my expectations and goal every time.
So what was the difference in my goals was my next question.
The goals that I was interested where always self-serving. They were goals that fed my EGO and basically benefited me. There was no passion or purpose attached to them. Most of them were set by company standards, social pressure or focused solely on money.
Even though, I felt committed to them and I often struggled to make them a reality, I was easily discouraged, frustrated and quit before the miracle of success was obtained. I did not have that inner drive, the inspiration to pull me forward so the circumstances in my life easily derailed me. Making me feel less confident, a failure, and ashamed.
However, the goals I made that I was completely committed to always benefitted me and others. They were win/win/win/win. Win for the client, win for the company, win for me, and win for the greater good of community and environment.
When I set goals focused on the highest good of all, it inspires me to stay focused. My “WHY” is so big, that my commitment is unstoppable. This seems to activate the unseen forces of the Universe to rise up to support me. They pull me forward with such momentum that being derailed is near impossible.
So as you are considering your goals for 2017, ask yourself this powerful question. Consider your why, list all the wins for you, your family, your company, your clients and the greater good. Focus on that and take the next step in making this your best year ever.
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