Many great leaders who thought out of the box have gone on to change and impact our world. They were willing to be laughed at and sometimes persecuted for their ideas. Most scientific and technological advances have been opposed and/or resisted by the very people who you would expect to welcome it.
Galileo suggested that the earth actually revolved around the sun and was persecuted. Jenner pioneered life-saving vaccinations and was threaten by police. Mother Teresa wanted to serve the poor and offer them the opportunity to die in dignity and it was resisted by her superiors. Jobs suggested that each family would have a personal computer in their home and was laughed out of board rooms.
It takes courage and resolve to think out of the box and to follow your inspiration. However, when you do, the payoff is life changing and oftentimes, impacts the world. It also takes openness to others ideas. Many leaders feel that their way is the only way. This limits their ultimate potential. An authentic leader surrounds him/her self with people smarter than themselves and fosters an environment of open discussion, brainstorming, encouragement. They allow space for creativity. A foolish leader is the one who says that anything is impossible or that there are limits to the potential and capability of the human. The Authentic leader understands the power, infinite possibilities within the human spirit.
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