So many of us get tripped up in life because we live in fear. And we have forgotten our brilliance and stifle our truth because we care more about not offending others than we do for standing up for ourselves and our lives. This holds us back from being our authentic self.
One way to overcome this is to reflect on your life and give voice to all of the things you have accomplished over the years. How many people you have impacted, helped, served, supported, and given a hand up. Whose life would not be as blessed if you were not in it? What obstacles or difficulties have you overcome? What values do I live by and stand for? What blessings are showered upon you daily and which ones surround you? Who have you loved?
Take the time to make this list and then post it so you can see it on a daily basis. Read it and give thanks for all of it. Reconnect with your brilliance daily with gratitude. In so doing, you will grow stronger and build an unshakeable foundation on which to build your legacy called life. This exercise will give you the confidence to face your fear and move forward into the life of your dreams.