This has been an amazing year for me and for whatever reason, I stopped sharing my insights with you all.  But today is a new day and with each new day we get to begin again.  Many people forget this vital concept and live their life with regret or stagnation because they are not willing to begin again.

I love the analogy of the GPS being our guide from the Universe.  When we are inspired and  take authentic action; oftentimes this takes us on what seems like a wild goose chance and sometimes it is.  We seem to get so far off track, we don’t know how to get back on coarse.  However the great news is that every time we take a detour our GPS recalculates to get us back on track.  It works overtime to show us our next option no matter where we are.

Many of us if you are like me, continue down the road we are on sure that we are on the right path and sometimes we are.  However, more times than not  we are not.  It takes humility to say, “Uncle”, I am lost and clueless as to where I am and I have forgotten where I am going. This is a great time to pause, to surrender to what is, and to reach out for a life line, a friend or a mentor and ask for support.  Or we might also consider actually taking the road our GPS is recommending, if it means taking a U-turn.

Where are you?  Have you stayed to coarse and moving in a direction which brings you great joy, peace and happiness?  If so, yeah, keep going.

Have you gotten sidetracked?  Do you find yourself stressed, overwhelmed, and frustrated?  If so, pause, review, reach out for support.  Be kind to yourself, as it is really OK, no one does this thing called life without detours, set backs and road blocks.  The key is to realize that you are off center, that you can recalculate and begin again.

Remember you are awesomeness in action.