This piece was previously published in the San Angelo Standard-Times in April 2009.  I hope you enjoy it.


Recently, I was blessed by two young men, Michael and Skip, traveling the U.S., one by bicycle and one by foot.  My friend and I opened our homes to these two travelers, they appeared to us as strangers, but they left as friends.  They both brought such joy and excitement to my life and the life of my family and friends.

Both young men have experienced unbelievable blessings of kindness, generosity and hospitality throughout their travels.  They have spent most of their nights on the couch of a stranger and left with a new found friend.  As they travel, they touch the lives of many and create lasting friendships and bonds connecting us all.  Their stories broaden our screen of life and give us an affirming and positive view of the American people and people across the globe.  In our case, they offered a refreshing reprieve from our status quo life.  They were angels in disguise.

My friends asked, “How do you find these people?” As I have always had a propensity to attract very colorful and exciting people into my life.  I guess it is my God given gift of hospitality.

As I reflected on the many strangers, now friends, who have passed through my life and slept on my couch and the blessings I received from them, I am overwhelmed with gratitude.  I may have offered a couch and a warm meal, but their spirit of adventure and the gifts they offered were much more valuable.

I remember back in the 80’s during a snow and ice storm, I passed a hitch-hiker outside of Big Spring.  It was so cold, his beard was frozen.  I did not pick him up, but could not shake him from my mind.  Nor, I did not stop because I was in a hurry to get home and go to church.  I did pray for him but I did not stop and my guilt prevailed.  To my amazement, when I came out of church in downtown San Angelo, there he was on our church door step.  What are the odds?  I had to speak to him; it was my second chance to be of service to another human being in need.  What he needed was a bus ticket.

I was a college student living with 3 other girls and we had limited funds and were in the process of moving.  We pulled our money which was just enough to give him for a ticket and offered him our couch for the night.  However, he would only accept it if he could help us move.  His ticket was nominal compared to the work he put in moving 4 girls. All of us, at that moment were angels on earth, helping each other for the common good.

In the true story, Three Cups of Tea, by Greg Mortenson, Greg, an American mountain climber is the recipient of the generous hospitality of the Pakistani people of Korpe.  They, not knowing Greg, took him in and saved his life after a failed attempt of reaching the Summit of K2.  He was so overwhelmed with gratitude; he returned to the states and raised money to build them a school.  That was over 15 years ago and he has now built several schools and educated thousands of Pakistani and Afghanistan children.  This one expression of hospitality has changed the lives of thousands of people and has created lasting bonds and friendships.  Greg, a stranger, truly was and is an angel in the lives of many.  It seems hospitality and generosity seems to be the norm rather than the exception and could be the mustard seed that moves mountains and brings about peace and joy in our lives.

“Hospitality to strangers [is a] traditional virtue encouraged by all religions” (World Religions, pg.697), and I believe that building relationships to the Highest Good creates lasting bonds among all members of community.  You do not have to travel the states via bike or on foot, nor do you have to climb a mountain across the globe to experience the gift of hospitality.  Next time you encounter a stranger offer a smile, hold a door, look at them and say “hi”.  Reach across the street, table or isle at school or church and shake a hand.  Or next time you encounter a stranger or a friend, take the time for a cup of tea, and listen to their stories.  You may be entertaining an Angel and you will be blessed.  All of these actions create bonds and these bonds allow atonement: at-One-ment.  We are One.

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