A Powerful Question to ask to achieve your goals
I recently heard an interview with John Assaraf, self-made millionaire and author when he shared this powerful question asked of him by his mentor. "John, are you interested in achieving [...]
Goal Setting, Creating a Vision for Your Life
Winter is a great time to reevaluate our life and our business. We have just completed 2016 and by looking back to take an inventory of our harvest from last [...]
Our Sense of Value Determines How We Are Received
S o many of my clients come to me frustrated because people don't take them seriously or won't pay them. The reason being is at their core belief system my [...]
Our thoughts create our reality
O ur thoughts create our reality. So, if you don't like your reality or you want a greater harvest, then you must learn to master your thoughts. Consequently, when you [...]
More Authentic Leadership Tips from Nuts
N uts come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. They grow from a variety of different trees and come from different parts of the world. They all look different [...]
Process of Cause and Effect in Authentic Leadership
T here is a universal principle called cause and effect. Our perception of cause and effect impacts our ability to be or not to be authentic and empowered leaders. If we [...]
New Year, New Beginnings
The beginning of the year is a great time to begin again. It is a time to review where we are and recalculate where we are going. In business we do [...]
Heed The Nudge
Y esterday, a friend whom I had not spoken to in over 8 months kept coming to my mind. No matter what I did, no matter how swamped I felt, [...]
Empowering Others
In working with leaders, I often come into situations where a leader treats their protégés with an air of arrogance. It is as if the leader is somewhat better than [...]
Decisions Made Today Can
Create Your Tomorrow
W e are where we are in life based on the decisions we have made up to this point. This is a very empowering insight because if we don't like [...]
Insights from the Pecans Outside
This year I have a bumper crop of pecans so we are shelling them, cooking with them and freezing some. In the past 7 years, we have been in a [...]
Mindfulness leads to Oneness of Life
Mindfulness is a practice that helps you to still your mind, tap into your inner peace, and experience calm amidst the storm of life. Mindfulness allows us to focus and [...]
Stop, Recalculate and Begin Anew
This has been an amazing year for me and for whatever reason, I stopped sharing my insights with you all. But today is a new day and with [...]
Begin the year with gratitude
So many of us get tripped up in life because we live in fear. And we have forgotten our brilliance and stifle our truth because we care more about not [...]
An Authentic Life: 10 symptoms of not living from authenticity
How do you know when you are living an authentic life? This is a great question which can be answered in two ways. 1. What you experience when not being [...]
Your stories impact your emotions
Have you ever taken the time to notice your emotions? How are they formed? Where do they come from? These are all valuable questions to ask. At first glance, I [...]