In working with leaders, I often come into situations where a leader treats their protégés with an air of arrogance. It is as if the leader is somewhat better than the new hire, or those below him/her. In fact, this sense of arrogance is false pride.  It is the one thing that will make your journey into an authentic and empowering leader short lived.

No matter our position in life, we must all remain humble-teachable and open to the other. However, we also want to be mindful not to talk down to others.  This disempowers them which in turn disempowers us as leaders.

Empowering Hand Background photograph designed by Jannoon028 -

The only sure fire way to move ahead and create a solid foundation is to constantly reach behind you and help the others be strong and actually train them to replace you. As you train up your replacement, you make room for your personal growth and advancement.

Consequently, the more you help others get what they want, the more you will get what you want.



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