Changing our outside circumstances to be happy is the least effective way to find happiness. It has been proven that approximately 50% of our happiness quotient is genetic, 40% is choice and 10% is determined by outside circumstances. So only 10% of our happiness quotient is based on what we do and what we have; yet we spend 80 to 90 % of our time focused on the 10%. It would be better use of our time to focus on the 40% which we have complete control over.
The 40% is our choice. We can choose to be happy. We do this by having an attitude of gratitude. We begin only focusing on the areas of our life which are going well. Here are 5 things on which to focus that will increase your happiness.
- Your health and well-being. Be grateful for all the parts of your body and what they afford you. Your legs get you from point a to b, allow you to dance. . . . Your eyes behold the beauty around you, your ears hear the songs of birds, your nose melts into the smell of a fresh apple pie.
- Your successes. All successes you’ve had over your life time. Learning to walk, talk, sing, dance. Your first perfect job, graduating high school, college. Perhaps your trips and/or relationships.
- Focus on all the people you have served, how you have made the clerk at your local store smile. The tip you gave a waitress, the door you opened for another in need. The trash you picked up in your neighborhood. The clients and/or customers you serve and make their world more enjoyable.
- Focus on all the meals you have enjoyed, the people across the globe that worked to put the food on your table. Think about the money that has come and gone to afford you whatever your required at the moment. Think about how money flows in and out of your life and business constantly.
- Take a walk and notice all of the gifts freely given you. The air, the rain, the sunshine, the cool breeze, the grass, the fertile soil, the trees. All of nature is here constantly serving and giving life-energy to them. They often go unnoticed, yet continue to offer themselves to your service and enjoyment.
By focusing on these 5 things, you will begin to grow in happiness. You will notice a bounce in your step and realize that you are smiling for no reason other than you are HAPPY.
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