Authentic leadership requires four cornerstones to create sustainable, healthy, impactful and vibrant lives and businesses. These cornerstones anchor and guide leaders to achieve greater things than they ever imagined possible. They keep us grounded and focused yet growing, developing and ever evolving to be our highest and best selves. They keep us looking forward and ever seeking the highest good and best for all. These principles are self-awareness, creativity, love and courageous action.
Self-awareness helps us to understand our strengths and weaknesses. It allows us to make a stand for what is important in our lives, get clear as to what we are experts in and what we want. It is a daily practice of self-examination and reflection which constantly grounds us and pulls us into becoming our best-self.
Creativity taps into our imagination and opens us up to possibility. It allows us to think out-of-the-box and move beyond the status quo. It fuels our inner fire of co-creator, inspiration and enthusiasm, the innate gift within us all. We are created to create and expand our consciousness. That is who we are.
Love helps us to look beyond our own self and seek the highest and greatest good for all. Love opens the way to treat all people with dignity and respect. It opens our eyes and hearts to the strengths and talents in our teams. It helps us to pull out their greatness without fear of losing our own. Love allows us to support, encourage and invest in our subordinates. It also keeps us seeking ways in which we can serve and seek win/win/win/win solutions. Win for our organization, stockholders, employees, and environment/culture.
Courageous action is that cornerstone that pulls us into bigger and greater endeavors. Courage allows us to walk through fear that holds the status quo back. Courage allows us to valiantly walk forward with faith, hope and possibility. Courageous action means taking risk, going against the odds, taking a stand despite the obstacles standing in our way. Courage fuels our daring nature to follow our dreams, our inspirations.
All of these cornerstones are the building blocks for developing strong and authentic leaders who go on to build sustainable, expansive and impactful businesses and lives.
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