Winter is a great time to reevaluate our life and our business. We have just completed 2016 and by looking back to take an inventory of our harvest from last year, we can see what we did well and areas that need to be weeded out. Then set clear and specific goals that will pull you forward into the new year and into being your best self.
Many of my clients resist creating vision boards or setting goals. They feel that it is counter intuitive to an Authentic Life. They feel that by being an authentic leader, things will just magically unfold for them. While this is somewhat true, being authentic means being true to your highest self.
When we take time to sit and listen, we have inner desires and life long dreams that come up for us. These are like GPS signals trying to get our attention. They are trying to guide us to the fastest route to our destination-our goal. However, we ignore them thinking that the vision is too big, or we are not deserving of the dream.
These thoughts are the weeds that must we pulled and eradicated from our garden.
Setting goals and following our dreams give us direction. They pull us forward and lead us in our unfoldment of our highest self. As we begin working toward our goals and our life visions, all kinds of road blocks, obstacles will come our way. These are our negative thoughts, beliefs and actions which are blocking us from our highest expression of who we are.
Walking through them and learning from them are the ways that we sharpen our skills and connect us to our inner greatness. When we reach the goal, the pinnacle of our vision, we feel bliss and one with all that is. Our view expands to what is possible, we see yet another vista that calls us further.
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