The beginning of the year is a great time to begin again. It is a time to review where we are and recalculate where we are going. In business we do this by taking inventory. This inventory takes into account both the assets and the liabilities we’ve incurred over the past year. I recommend that we look at what worked, what needs to go and what needs to change to get us where we want to go with grace and ease.
Many of my clients and countless small business owners don’t take the time for this type of inventory. They just keep doing what they do and wonder why their business just maintains the status quo and doesn’t grow. This is actually insanity, when we do the same thing over and over again expecting different results. This type of business activity tends to dig us into a rut.
This is why at the beginning of each new year, it is good to consider it as a new beginning.
With all new beginnings, we get to wipe the slate clean. Consider things from a fresh perspective and ask ourselves, do we like the path we are on, if so how can we make it more efficient and enjoyable. If not, which path would we like to take now.
I like to take my clients on a guided meditation journey to the end result. This is a quick and easy way to discover what it is that they really want and what they enjoy. With this information, it is easy to decide which path to take. Once we realize the end result we want, then we can chunk it down to small steps.
Lao-tse said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Breaking our journey down to easy steps makes our journey, our new beginning so much more manageable and fun.
I invite you to take pause, reflect, review and recalculate where you are and where you want to go. Ask yourself if you are on the right path for you and if you are taking the steps required to get you to your hearts desire.
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