This is a valuable lesson to get. So many of us shove off compliments and acknowledgements from others. This is a sign of self-devaluation and false-pride. Many, including myself, have been taught it is boastful or prideful to accept compliments. To put it another way, it is not OK to accept credit where credit is due. It is very OK to accept credit where credit is due.
False pride says I am better than or less than another. Healthy pride says I am valuable and have worth. That what I do matters in the world. That I have committed to use my gifts and talents for the highest good of all. Healthy pride allows us to show up 100% in all we do and to take 100% responsibility for our actions. Healthy pride allows us to accept compliments and also to give compliments.
For many, healthy pride must be practiced, as we must rid ourselves of the false belief that it is wrong to own our successes and achievements. This is done by accepting compliments and credit for jobs well done. It’s a practice that will help us increase our inner valuation. For this reason, I recommend my clients to keep a success journal, listing all of their accomplishments and how they have impacted others. This helps them to build their inner sense of value. When you take ownership of your gifts and talents and begin to see how you impact the lives of others, you open yourself to more opportunities and increased income.
Finally, when you know that your products and services are excellent, your inner value shows through with confidence and grace. There is no need to boast or to brag about your accomplishments. However, in the beginning of increasing your sense of value, it is a necessary practice to connect the dots for others and yourself about how your product or services help others.
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