Our unconscious resistances are the blocks which stop us from truly fulfilling our full potential. Many people with whom I work, believe that fulfilling their full potential is a monumental and often unattainable tasks. This belief/perception is one of the main resistances which actually block them from fulfilling their potential. According to Dr. John H. McMurphy, author of Secrets from Great Minds, “The barrier lies within their resistance, not within their innate capabilities.”
It is our mindsets and beliefs which stop us in our tracks from becoming our highest self and living our fullest potential. These mindsets and beliefs must be overcome in order to move forward. The great news is that they are easy to overcome, we just have to become aware of them and decide to shift them. It is said that what we believe we achieve. If we set grand goals for ourselves, yet don’t believe that they are possible; we will never achieve them. What we think about we bring about.
Our beliefs are just thoughts we’ve thought over and over again. The more we have thought them the deeper they are ingrained in our psyche which create barrier walls-resistance to achieving what we want. Therefore we must reprogram them. In so doing, we create a new neuro-pathway-we break down the resistance.
Here are two of these beliefs/perceptions which block us and ideas for re-framing/reprogramming them:
- I’m not good enough, creative enough to fulfill my potential. Begin noticing when these thoughts arise, then immediately replace them with a positive thought. I am enough, I am creative and on the way to fulfilling my potential. Look for evidence of when you have moved forward and achieved something bigger than what you thought possible. Potentiality is a process which builds on itself.
- I don’t have time to develop my full potential. Begin to monitor your time. Inventory where you are using your time? Evaluate your time spent developing your potential, talents and the time you spend distracted or doing your “spare-time” activities. Then decide where you can shift some of your time. Becoming better at anything requires time, patience, practice and perseverance. Then create a new affirmation and repeat it as often as you can. I use this one, ” I have all the time, talent and resources to live my fullest potential.”
I encourage you to begin to notice where these resistances show up in your life. Take the action prescribed for 21 days and let me know what happens for you.
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