As a visionary and a catalyst for change, I have been inspired to take on countless projects which empower women and children locally and globally. These projects come to me through my meditative practices and when I say yes to them magic happens. Dormant forces come alive and I truly witness the power of the Universe supporting me in unbelievable ways. Each one of these listed experiences has an unbelievable magical component and story. The key is to say “Yes” to the unknown, follow your inspiration, and allow the universe to take you places you never dreamed. In so doing, you become a version of yourself that is unrecognizable and beyond what you could have planned for yourself.
Becky Has Helped Organizations and Groups Raise Over

There are 2 available spots left! Contact Becky if you are interested in being a part of this amazing project!
Picture of Africa, 2018 SOUL Safari: this will be the first annual trip to teach feminine hygiene and simple education on menstruation and to provide reusable sanitary pads for over 300 girls in Kenya, build hand washing stations, and plant trees. We will take about 20 people with us to expand their life experience, tap into their true authentic nature, and to empower them to take inspired action.
To financially participate, contribute, or support Becky with her global women and children initiatives, please contact her by clicking the button below and submitting the form.

Picture with Greg Mortenson, Author of Three Cups of Tea: we raised over $17,000 in 7 days to build a school in Afghanistan.

Picture with Immaculée Illibagiza, author of Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwanda Holocaust: we raised thousands of dollars to support her orphanage in Rwanda.

Picture with John Gray, author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus: worked with him to bring awareness to the importance of nutrition and brain health, especially with Alcoholics.

Picture in India: spoke at the ALL Global Economic Forum in New Delhi, India to empower women across the globe.

Girl Scouts of Central Texas: over the last 12 years, we have helped to raise tens of thousands of dollars to support and empower girls in Central Texas. I have also been a Girl Scout Leader building Girl Leaders of confidence, courage and character and impacting our community in amazing ways.

Promises for Families: over the last 10 years, we have supported, educated and empowered children whose parents are incarcerated, breaking the cycle of incarceration in the lives of many.

Symphony Guild of San Angelo: for over 8 years, we have worked to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for the San Angelo Symphony and to prepare Jr. High Students to be a higher version of themselves through social, dining, comportment etiquette training, and volunteer opportunities.

Co-Created the Season of Peace and the Faith Club: a community interfaith group whose mission is to promote peace through understanding, education and building relationships. For over 10 years, we have offered amazing educational and relationship building activities to dispel myths and bring to light misunderstandings about World Religions.