Mindfulness is a practice that helps you to still your mind, tap into your inner peace, and experience calm amidst the storm of life.

Mindfulness allows us to focus and gain clarity in the present moment. When we are present in the moment at hand with what is going on and  with whomever is with us, we become One with life.  Being fully engaged with the present moment enhances our life experience and helps us to build rich relationships.  Over the years, we have come to believe that being fully engaged is actually doing a lot of things at one time.  This is not being present, it is the art of distraction.

When we live in distraction, it creates stress, overwhelm and frustration.  Distraction keeps us from truly engaging with others; thus making us feel isolated and disconnected.  We have become human-doings instead of human-beings. The practice of mindfulness helps us to return to our true nature of being instead of being and brings us into alignment with our mind, body and spirit.

Suggested practice for this week.  Be where you are.  Chose one thing like eating a meal with a friend or family member and be there.  Don’t allow the phone, the TV, radio or any other distraction to interrupt this time. Focus on the meal, the dishes, which utensils you are using,  and the person.  Truly listen to their voice, their words, observe their body language, be present.  Observe yourself as you engage with them and the meal.

What did you notice?  How did you feel?  Was the food tastier?  Did time slow down? Were you less stressed?  Do you feel more connected to your family or friend?

When you practice being in the moment, the gift you give yourself is having a true connection with other and an enhanced life experience.  You will begin to experience Oneness.

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