If we live and lead from the perception that our success or happiness is a result of something outside of ourselves, we are living from a place of being effected-disempowered. When outside circumstances can effect our inner-well-being, our happiness, our joy, our success, we are at the mercy of the outside world. We are victims of circumstance. When we are victims, we are not in control.
Many of us believe that something outside of ourselves is at cause and we take on the mindset that if only this or that would happen, we would be successful, or happy and free. The belief that something outside of ourselves determines our happiness, our success, our joy, keeps us victims of circumstance. From this perspective, we are disempowered and have no control.
Authentic Leadership begins from within. It is realizing that who we “be” is at cause of what we create. Being authentic means being in control, being empowered to make choices. We see this in action when in the midst of a recession, some people are not effected. They go about business and actually excel. This is because they do not allow outside circumstances to determine their success. They are 100% responsible for their life and business.
Authentic leaders foster the beingness of themselves and their teams. They focus on vision, core values, mindsets and beliefs first then doing second. This helps them to be in alignment with their true nature and universal principles of unlimited possibility and abundance. From this space, miracles flow forth with ease and grace.
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