Authentic leaders systematically take a honest and complete inventory of their life, values, habits and practices. They evaluate what will move them forward and what will hold them back from being their best self. In the beginning of this process, having an objective outsider to guide us is crucial. Because we are so enmeshed in our own situation, it is difficult to see the forest among the trees. Once you become aware of who you are, what you stand for, and what your weakness are, it is easier to become the observer and make the appropriate changes and adjustments.
As the observer, the objective onlooker of your life and business, you can begin to see everything from a broader perspective. You become more and more detached from your limited ego-self and more aware of the bigger picture and vision for your life and business. You are able to observe not only yourself but others from a more understanding and compassionate vantage point detached from the emotional distractions. Thus making more authentic and powerful decisions.
Just as a company, business or team is only as strong as it’s weakest link so too are you as a leader. Without addressing our own weak links, we as leaders, may be the one thing holding our company, team, family or life back from achieving our next level of success.
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