Think about how much time and energy we waste mourning our breakups, whether they be from men, jobs, institutions, and/or other types and forms of relationships? Yes, do mourn them and learn from them but then let it go. Share it with a friend, let it all out, but don’t persist in rehashing the experience and wondering what if and if only.
Don’t mourn the breakups for too long!”
~Marne Levine, COO Instagram
We all make choices which may not turn out as well as we hoped. We create dreams and expectations based on fantasy and looking through rose colored glasses not reality. These things set us up for breakups. Expect them, learn from them and let them go. Life is a series of ideas, failures and successes. The key is to stay in motion, take action, and if it fails, fail quickly and move on.
Instead of staying in the pain of the breakup, shift your focus on what you want now. What is your next thing? In fact, keep a list of all the things you want to learn and try, so when you find yourself stuck, you can pull out your list: train for a marathon, read a book, study something new, traveling, cooking, etc. Most of my clients, myself included, seem to go numb and dumb when hardship hits and forget that life is bigger than what is in front of us. Choose something from your list, take action, and begin again.
Time is truly the only limited resource we have, use it wisely.
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