Before jumping, always consider, “What problem are we solving?”
So many of my clients, leap into situations without thinking. For example, I just had a client who received an email from a family member. She instantly got side tracked, taken off her game and her plan of action for the day. She wanted to jump in and fix the situation at hand. The great news this happened minutes before her coaching call with me.
She was in a twizzle about what to do and how to handle the situation.
I, on the other side, notice how this random non-important issue took her out. The real problem was not this random request; it was her not standing in her power as a successful business woman and keeping her boundaries.
Once we addressed this issue, she looked at it from a place of power and made a decision to create a plan, put family boundaries in place and move on with her day. This was huge for her as she used to jump all day meeting the needs of others without any consideration of what she wanted and/or needed.
So much of our days are filled with putting band-aids on situations which distract us from addressing the root issues.
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